406-468-0016 / 334-300-6002
What is 'Paard' and who is Kelly?
What is the meaning of the word "Paard"? Paard is the word for "horse" in Flemish - an ode to my heritage and the time I spent living in Belgium. Finally able to settle down after a long, but very much loved time spent with my husband's military career, we chose Cascade, Montana to become home and for me, to enjoy the horse life I greatly missed. With my horse, Bullet, we discovered there are limited options in this area to accommodate boarders, with responsible people to care for a horse if you're away or even just a place to rest as you travel around the state or across country. I decided to fill that need and earned a Diploma in Equine Science from the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada to accompany a Bachelor's degree in Biology I earned years earlier at University of Providence in Great Falls, MT.
It is my honor to have you and your horse stay with us - one night or for many! We welcome overnight travellers and those needing vacation sitting - giving you peace of mind that your equine friend will be in caring, knowledgeable hands, good company, and excellent facilities.
I can't wait to meet you and your horse!